最近、今年9月8日 に開催される大会の練習を開始し、決起集会(有志)をしようという話になりました。メンバーのひとり、デジエが久美浜の旅館で働いており、そこのオーナー が先月タイ料理の海の家をオープンしたことを聞きました。その海の家から海が見え、とてもいいところです。タイ出身の男性が10種類の料理を作ってくれ、タイの有名な料理をほとんど紹介してくれたような気がします。次回の大会に向け、みんなの気持ちを盛り上げるのにいい機会でした。気持ちのあたたかい人とその雰囲気で南国を旅行しているような気分でした(^^)次回の大会はうまく歌えそうです。In 2002, students of Alicante University in Alicante, Spain came to Toyooka to study Japanese and the son of Mr. Fujioka Daisuke was a member of this group. At that time he stayed in Shomi’s. In 2003, Mr. Fujioka's family visited Toyooka once again. In 2006, Mr. Shomi’s son, Sou visited Alicante and stayed with Mr. Fujioka’s family.
Tia Japanese Volunteer Staff held “Otsukaresamakai” to show their appreciation for each other. Most of the members gathered for awhile, chatting, playing Bingo, and enjoying a meal.
A teacher meets with a class two or three times a week to teach Japanese Classes to foreign people who live in this area. We need to continue to think of how to care for and support the foreigners as we count on them (foreigners’) to be valuable in our work force, right?第6回 こうのとり感謝祭「しゃべり場 ~次世代の目・世界の目~」(こうのとり感謝祭実行委員会主催)が開催され、次の世代を担う若者と在住の外国人(豊岡市国 際交流協会員)が、「あなたは将来、豊岡に住みたいか? ~こんな豊岡にしていきたい~」をテーマに意見交換をしました。
I am now enjoying a farm stay. It is not a famous place, but produces wine. There are big wineries here and there. My home stay is at one of the wineries. I am in a good environment, as they do organic farming also. They grow grapes and also some vegetables and ship them to Sydney. I am doing farm work there. I pick up vegetables, wash them, pack them and bring them to the collection point. I also pick up poles using a machine. I am just a helper though….
Soon we need to harvest olives, and it will be a big job. Certainly the olive trees have born many olives. It is so fun, as many things are new to me. And I enjoy my slow life, with Italian dishes. My home stay owner was from Italy and was brought up in Australia. Recently I moved there, so now it is possible for me to spend my time slowly. It is good for me to stay at a farm, as I can settle my life there. I am keen on WWOOF which Michiyo of Tia introduced me too. I really appreciated being a Tia member, attending Tia events, and meeting people there. I will attend more Tia events when I get back to Japan.
WWOOF=Willing Workers On Organic Farms. Help with organic farming, get a place to stay and food, and it is a nonprofit organization. They aim to think about organic farming and exchange information with many people.
Tia’s Amigos went to a concert by “The breeze of Be in Voices”. This group “Be in Voices” came to Toyooka as one of the judges of the A Cappella Competition. They taught us more of how to sing and shared the coming-of-age celebration with us too. In the concert, singing with the audience was very impressive to us, and there was also many things for us to learn.